Michelle Knight Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other

Michelle Knight Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other


This Biography is about one of the Author Michelle Knight including her Height, weight,Age & Other Detail…

Biography Of Michelle Knight
Real Name Michelle Knight
Famous as Author
Nationality American
Personal Life of Michelle Knight
Born on 23 April 1981
Birthday 23rd April
Age 36 Years
Sun Sign Taurus
Height 137 cm (1.37 m)
Weight 28.5 – 34.9 kg (63-77 lbs)
Siblings Freddie Knight, Katie Hudson
Personal Fact of Michelle Knight

Michelle Knight is one among the three women (other being Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry) who were kidnapped by Ariel Castro and held prisoners in his house in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio. She spent more than a decade inside the house where she was chained, beaten, tortured and raped before finally being rescued. This brave-heart’s torture was so brutal that it came as a shock for everyone including Cuyahoga County Prosecutor McGinty who stated that he hadn’t seen anything like this incident before.

He said that he was aware of no one else who had been through what Knight had been subjected to, excluding some Vietnam or Korean prisoners. He also stated that even the prisoners don’t go through the torture for as long as she had to. After her dramatic release, Michelle Knight’s story has been adapted into several movies, books and TV shows. One such movie Cleveland Abduction was aired in May 2015. The lady has got numerous tattoos on her body that represent the story of her 11-year imprisonment.

Today, this courageous survivor has become a media sensation. She advocates for the victims of rapes. She also campaigns to raise awareness about other such crimes of violence. Despite the nightmarish and terrifying conditions she endured, she wants to tell people that she’s a survivor.