George Washington Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other

George Washington Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other


This Biography is about one of the best First President of the United States George Washington including his Height, weight,Age & Other Detail…

Biography Of George Washington
Real Name George Washington
Profession Political Leaders
Famous as First President of the United States
Nationality American
Religion Episcopalian, Deism
Political Ideology Independent
Personal life of George Washington
Born on 22 February 1732
Birthday 22nd February
Died At Age 67
Sun Sign Pisces
Born in British America
Died on 14 December 1799
Place of death Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.
Personality Type ISTJ
Epitaphs “Looking into the portals of eternity teached that, The Brotherhood of Man is inspired by God’s Word;, Then all prejudice of race vanishes away.”
Family Background of George Washington
Father Augustine Washington
Mother Mary Ball Washington
Siblings Lawrence, Augustine, Samuel, Elizabeth (Betty), John Augustine, Charles
Spouse/Partner Martha Dandridge Custis
Children John Parke Custis, Martha Parke Custis
Founder/Co-Founder Fathers of the United States
Awards Congressional Gold Medal Thanks of Congress
Personal Fact of George Washington

George Washington was the first President of the United States who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War against the Kingdom of Great Britain and saved the nation from the threat of collapse during its most crucial time. The commander-in-chief of the American Revolution Army, Washington became the President of the world’s most powerful country in 1789 following the end of war with The Great Britain in 1783.

As President, George Washington played a leading role in drafting the American Constitution in 1787 and extended his contribution by building a strong central government, establishing a national bank system and implementing an effective tax system. Washington first adopted the foreign policy of ‘neutrality’ in 1773, to avert international conflicts and intervention of other countries. His presidency lay down the foundation of the world’s major power, making him the greatest President in the American history.