Charles Sumner Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other

Charles Sumner Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other


This Biography is about one of the best Professional Political of the world Charles Sumner including his Height, weight, Age & Other Detail…

Biography Of Charles Sumner
Real Name Charles Sumner
Profession Political Leaders
Famous as Politician
Nationality American
Political ideology Political party – Republican (earlier Whig, Free Soil, Democrat)
Personal Life of Charles Sumner
Born on 06 January 1811
Birthday 6th January
Died At Age 63
Sun Sign Capricorn
Born in Boston
Died on 11 March 1874
Place of death Washington, D.C.
City Boston, Massachussets
Ideology Republicans
Spouse/Partner Alice Mason Hooper
Education Harvard University, Harvard Law School, Boston Latin School
Personal Fact of Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner was a 19th century American politician who was the leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts. A powerful orator with strong anti-slavery sentiments, he was one of the leaders of the Radical Republicans in the United Senate during the American Civil War. A professionally qualified lawyer dedicated to the concept of human equality, he campaigned for many causes including prison reform, world peace, and educational reforms in addition to supporting the anti-slavery movement.

Born as the son of a liberal lawyer in Boston, young Charles was inspired by his father who proposed racially integrated schools and believed that everyone irrespective of their race should be accorded equal rights. Sumner received a good education and went on to graduate from the prestigious Harvard Law School. Once on a visit to Europe he observed that blacks and whites lived together in an integrated society unlike in America.

This inspired him to become an abolitionist upon his return to his homeland. He entered politics and became a leader of the anti-slavery forces in the Senate. During the Civil War he pushed for the legal abolition of slavery and during Reconstruction he introduced the bill that eventually became (after his death) the Civil Rights Act of 1875.