Buddy Bolden Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other

Buddy Bolden Biography, Age, Weight, Height, Friend, Like, Affairs, Favourite, Birthdate & Other


This Biography is about one of the best Musical Artist Buddy Bolden including his Height, weight, Age & Other Detail…

Biography Of Buddy Bolden
Real Name Buddy Bolden
Famous as Musical Artist
Nationality American
Personal life of Buddy Bolden
Born on 06 September 1877
Birthday 6th September
Died At Age 54
Sun Sign Virgo
Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Died on 04 November 1931
Place of death Jackson, Louisiana, United States
City Louisiana
Diseases & Disabilities Schizophrenia
Married No
Personal Fact of Buddy Bolden

Charles Joseph Buddy Boldenwas a key figure in the development of the jazz style of music in the late 19th century. The most renowned cornetist of his time, he improvised rhythm and music with his trumpet, creating a swanky blend of rural blues, adding spiritual spice and ragtime music with a twist. He is proclaimed as the Father of Jazz.

Bolden was also referred to by many African-American musicians of his time as the King of cornet. He was so musically dexterous that he could turn legendary numbers upside down and add new beats with varying tempo, rendering a refreshing twist. His fans would easily advance into a frenzy listening to his upbeat music and would yell for him to play some of his popular tunes such asFunky Butt.

However, apart from his extraordinary talent with the cornet, he lived a desolated and dismal life owing to his poor mental health. He was often labelled mysterious and unfriendly by his band members and others who knew him. He amassed great fame and popularity and attracted plenty of wealth yetpeople did not know much about him apart from his music and weakness for women.